HP HC Puree
Food for Special medical purposes
Product advantages
High-calorie, high-protein puree (HP HC), vegetable-based.
- Ready-to-use, heat-treated.
- About 362kcal and 20g protein for 200g.
- 4 recipes : Celery and potatoes, Broccoli, Peas.

Indications :
For nutritional needs in cases of undernutrition or risk of undernutrition, whether or not associated with liquid swallowing disorders. Undernutrition can be caused by the following situations: the elderly, cancer, bedsores, Alzheimer’s disease, any cachectizing or catabolic pathology, anorexia, inappetence, muscle wasting or problems with mastication or dentition.
To be used under medical supervision. Incomplete food, cannot be the sole source of nutrition. Not suitable for children under 4 years of age. Prescriptions should be adapted for patients with renal and/or hepatic insufficiency, or for paediatric use. Please ensure that the texture is adapted to the patient’s swallowing ability.
Broccoli Purée is not suitable for patients on anticoagulant therapy.
Production facility:
Made in France in a factory certified FSSC 22000 with an HACCP food safety approach.
Shelf Life:
10 months. Store at room temperature in a cool and dry place. After opening, the product can be stored for 24h maximum in the refrigerator.
Available in 4x200g bol.
Plastic Bol, lid and cardboard case => to recycle. Separate the elements before recycling.