Legal notice

By accessing the information made available by Lactalis Nutrition Santé on its website, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the current terms and conditions for use.

Website publication

This site is published by LACTALIS NUTRITION SANTE, an SAS (simplified joint-stock company) with a sole partner and a share capital of 1,925,410.00 euros, whose head office is located at the business park of Torce Secteur Est 35370 Torcé France, listed on the Rennes Trade and Companies register under SIREN number 451194963.

Telephone number: +33 (0)
Email address:

Website Design / Creation

48 rue Paul Langevin
35200 RENNES

RCS Rennes B 489 600 783

Tél. : (+33) 2 99 38 09 23
Fax : (+33) 2 99 36 48 41

Website Hosting

This site is hosted by Claranet, SAS, headquartered at 2 rue Breguet – 75011 PARIS (11), registered in the Nantes Trade and Companies Register under SIREN number 419 632 286. Telephone number: 01 44 78 63 65

Governing law

The content of this site is governed by French law.

Personal data

LNS Private Label may collect your personal data, especially through the “Contact” form. You can visit our “Data Privacy Policy” by clicking here.

Warning on security

In order to ensure its security and guarantee the access to everyone, this website uses software that monitors flows on the site and identifies unauthorized attempts at connection or change of information, and any other action likely to cause other damage. Unauthorized attempts to upload or alter information with intent to cause damage and, more generally, any attack on the availability and integrity of this website are strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted under the French Penal Code. Article 323-2 of the code rules that fraudulently accessing or remaining in all or part of an automated data-processing  system (which is what a website is) is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros. Article 323-3 of the same code rules that fraudulent introduction of data into an automated data-processing system or fraudulent deletion or modification of data that it contains is punishable by five years’ imprisonment  and a fine of 75,000 euros.


When you browse, the site may deposit “cookies”, very simple text files, on your computer. You can visit our “Cookies Management Policy” by clicking here.

Content of the website

Lactalis Nutrition Santé does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information made available on this site. Lactalis Nutrition Santé therefore disclaims all responsibility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in information available on this site.

Intellectual property

This site and the elements it contains (in particular texts, photographs, videos, brands, etc.) constitute a work as defined by the Intellectual Property Code, and as such are subject to French and international law governing literary and artistic property. Copying pages from the website to any format whatsoever (including a hard drive), is authorized for private use only. Therefore, any representation or reproduction, even partial, made of the site or the elements it contains, for commercial purposes, without prior written consent by Lactalis Nutrition Santé or any company within Lactalis group to which it belongs, is unlawful and represents a possible act of counterfeiting that engages the civil and criminal responsibility of the counterfeiter. Rights pertaining to advertising films and musical works included in these films are reserved to the owner of the recording of the relevant work.


Hyperlinks used in the current website to link to other websites do not engage the responsibility of Lactalis Nutrition Santé with regard to their content or the links they contain, or their conditions for use (in particular management of personal data, etc.).

The creation of simple hyperlinks to the is subject to prior agreement with Lactalis Nutrition Santé. Deep linking, or hyperlinks using farming technology (display of a webpage framed in another site) are prohibited.

Exemption from technical responsability

Lactalis Nutrition Santé will strive to ensure that the website is accessible at all times. However, Lactalis Nutrition Santé disclaims all responsibility in case of difficulty accessing its site or interrupted connections, whatever their cause. In particular, Lactalis Nutrition Santé reserves the right to carry out any modification to the site that it judges useful, without prior notice and even if access to the site is interrupted as a result.

In addition, Lactalis Nutrition Santé may not be held responsible for any direct or indirect damages, including lack of access to the site, data loss, damage, destruction or viruses that might affect your computer equipment, and/or for the presence of viruses on its site. You acknowledge that you have verified that the computer equipment used contains no virus and is operating perfectly.